Having a long hair in the tropics could be distressing for me. When tiny beats of sweat do spring in my scalp, my body heat would stride then I would be sweaty, wet and cranky. This agony would spin like forever. So then I wished my hair were short. But then again, I am thankful it was long. It is just an exigent thought that comes like the winds of change in my life. My hair nightmare commenced my new year's resolution this year: THOU' SHALL NOT HIGHLIGHT YOUR OWN HAIR!
Last Monday, I was in illusion. I was a princess. I was beautiful. My long frizzy hair enveloped me like a handsome man would be doing to me, in my fancy. My hair cascaded like waves in the sea. In revelry, I tiptoed like a muse. In silence, I danced like a goddess. In my sweet remembrance of things, I was in exultation. Yet, in a blink of an eyelash, all these wondrous scenarios would change (sigh). And in a short while, I would be panic stricken on how to save my hair for the worst of time. Yikes!
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