Thursday, March 20, 2008

Working In My Kitchen

PHOTOS: (Morrocan bread with Greek humus); bow spinach pasta, ravioli pasta with white wine and apricot sauce; spinach ravioli; Ciabatta bread (second rising);whole wheat sourdough starter; Ciabatta bread (second rising).
Now that I am done with my quilt, I am quite busy experimenting in my kitchen with various recipes I have at the moment. These are items akin to making bread (CIABATTA and MORROCAN HOLIDAY BREAD), humus (Greek/Mediterannean dip), sourdough starter, flaky crust (using LARD), home-made spinach ravioli and bow pasta plus the delicious white wine with apricot for pasta sauce. As I am writing this, my second version of "CIABATTA" (Italian Slipper Shaped Bread- pronounced as CHEE-YA-BAT-TA) is on to its second rising. This is a different recipe because it does not set to rise (the dough) for 24 hours but rather, the sourdough starter was made to ferment naturally for 3 days. Naturally in what sense? Averagely, you add yeast to make a sourdough and you use regular bread flour or all-purpose flour to do it. However, this sourdough starter from the famous book, "THE IL FORNAIO Baking Book" by FRANCO GALLI only asks you to mix organic wheat flour and water in equal proportion (2 cups whole wheat flour + 2 cups water). And true to its promise, in 3 days' time it fermented quite easily and bubbles formed. For you who do not bake breads, sourdough is needed to add that soury flavor in a bread. In ITALY, sourdough starter is called "BIGA." BTW, three days ago I baked my first CHERRY PIE this spring time- the filling was taken from the whole bunch of cherries I canned last summer 2007. For the pie crust, I used another recipe from an Italian book I borrowed from my North Beach Library (I forgot the title). Alternately, instead of butter- I used LARD (as per suggestion of my sister-in-law GLENDA who lives in Oregon and also upon husband's prodding. And they were right). The crust is so flaky and crunchy!!! Even now, husband raved about it after he had eaten the last piece this morning.

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