Photo above: Jeanette, in Bavaria. When she showed this to me yesterday, I was at once captivated by its composition. I took this second generation version of her picture by using the latest HP digital camera with a powerful macro lens.
Has this ever happened to you? You have been thoughtful of somebody you love and for weeks and weeks you wonder what happened to that someone after not seeing him/her for years? This happened to me. Yesterday at the airport, after husband and I passed through the first security check, this person I have been thinking about manifested right between my eyes! She saw me, smiled and hailed to the world, "We got to talk! We got to talk! We got to talk!!! She spoke with so much excitement that I wanted to jump over to be with her! I responded and said,"Yes! yes! Let's keep in touch! How are you? Where were you? Where were you posted? It's been like ten years now since we last saw each other." Amazing!
This was all happening too fast for me while I was trying to find my passport while digging through my purse. Finally found it! I turned to Little Boy Blue and said, "She's the one I was telling you about~ the girlfriend I visited in Monterey years and years ago in '97! Remember?" "Yeah!" husband, responded in glee. Finally, I submitted my passport to the airport official for inspection. After her inspection, she looked satisfied- then she opened the cordon. Whew! Thereafter, she let me in. In close proximity with Jeanette, we started chatting while we three were putting back our shoes at the airport (this is SOP in most airports since 9/11 for security clearance). At the waiting area of Hawaiian Airlines, I introduced husband and Jeanette. We had exchanged emails, phone numbers and mailing address to connect as needed. While doing this, we discovered we were flying with the same airline and were going to the same destination: HAWAII! To complete our reunion perfectly, we thought of sitting next to each other although there was a bummer: all seats are assigned ahead of time. We won't be seated together, ayayay!
"Ah, we'd work it out!" Jeanette said. With husband's blessing he decided to switch seats with me since his seat was closer to Jeanette's. Our seats were far from each other since the plane was overbooked plus we just purchased our etickets online two weeks ago (prior to our flight date). And with this meant we couldn't just make amendments about our seat plan. And only a good Samaritan could make this happen. Inside the aircraft, a young man whose seat was right across Jeanette's offered his seat to me (so Jeanette and I could talk through our journey)! He was such a sweetheart! Moreover, it was obvious to most passengers within the bracket of our seating place that our flight together was unexpected! Most of them were considerate of us thus, Jeanette and I were touched and very thankful of them. Then, a Hawaiian lady, offered her seat to me since her mother has already found a seat for them. With this grace coming together in our favor, Jeanette and I could only say it's GOOD KARMA working for us! As soon as we were seated side by side, our time spinned backwards- ten years in retro! We talked a lot about the good ol' days of us being"roving international educators" for many years. In between our chat, husband checked us out if all was okay. When we finally touched down in Honolulu we were delighted about it.
At the airport, the long march to the baggage claim was tiring but the cool breeze of the tradewinds made it all worth while. We got lost then after our second attempt to figure out the way to the baggage area (there was no sign to guide the travelers), we were at the carousel area. There, Jeanette asked if she could ride with us in our rented car and we said yes, of course! Why not? We gave her a lift to her place.
On the road, the traffic was bad despite the fact that it was a Saturday. We were disappointed since we expected to see no traffic at all as weekends were supposed to be that way by Hawaiian standards. At past lunch time, we were finally there in our destination: ALAMOANA HOTEL. I waited and sat by the lobby feeling tired and sleepy.Little Boy checked in. We were deeply exhausted from the long journey from California to Hawaii, with us leaving our place in North Beach at 5:30 A.M. Inside the hotel room, I unpacked everything until all was set in place. The day ended with me taking a short and relaxing hot bath in the tub. There, I felt rejuvenated. In bed while I was starting to fall asleep, Little Boy Blue was still out trying to to buy us some food snacks. Upon his return, I was already snoozing in bed.
In the middle of the night, I woke up suddenly after almost an hour's sleep. Well, the light was on. I saw husband's silhouette as he alighted from our bed. Earlier, he was watching a pirated DVD movie in my PC while eating his popcorn. Golly, it made the aroma in our room to be quite unbearable for me. Gosh, I asked him to please open the sliding door to get rid of that foul odor. After all was taken care of, I went back to sleep and woke up today at 2:00 A.M., writing this journey experience with him and Jeanette. My day has began. Aloha! And greetings from HAWAII!
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