L to R: buttered risotto with toasted scallops (I had this for lunch); my dessert of mascarporne cheese cake; husband's T-bone steak filled his lunch meal. We had each a glass of white wine and red whine plus freshly squeezed orange juice for me and coffee for him.

L to R: The view from the hallway leading to the club; the interesting wine set in our room by the veranda and the garden outside as seen from the Florentine room~ made our stay to be quite remarkable.
We walked to the spa shortly before 8:30 A.M. this Tuesday, two days ago and this gave us enough time to relax and to enjoy the facilities of the place. Before settling into our zone for our spa treatment, we had our mantra, "I will enjoy this day. I will enjoy this day. Tralalala." It worked! It was drizzling that morning but it ended up to be a great day, indeed and by mid day, the glorious sun was up in the skies! After our massage, we proceededto the casino and played some games. I won a few sum at the slots and called it a day. Wow! Husband won and lost a few hundreds but that was okay I told him. He works so hard and deserves a breather! So that helped him not to feel guilty (sulk) at all. In between exploring the Ritz village, husband and I frequented the Ritz' Carlton Club where cocktails, anti pasto and aperritif were served from 11 noon to 1 P.M.; snacks from 2 to 4
P.M., chocolates and cordials at 7 to 9 P.M. We had dinner together at 8.30 P.M. each evening. Obviously, the two of us (rolly polly lovers) have added another bunch of unwanted pounds to our horror~but who cares? We had a ball and we had a feast!

These lovely couples are great people! They are Mira and Jacob (left) Adriana and Luis (middle) plus Brian and Debbie (right). Our husbands have affinity as they are all involved in the business dealing with customer service. We had our good times together~eating, chatting, dancing and just enjoying ourselves away from the maddening crowd. It was good while it last! We hope to have this social event again sometime in the near future!
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