Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Blood That Binds

From New York to San Francisco

Click photos * to enlarge*
Barely 5 years ago since we last met in Wackwack at my sibling's condo in the Philippines, Grace~my second cousin from my mother's side~ and I got re-connected some days ago via email, voice chat and photo sharing (on-line) which was quite awesome. Our cousin Pol from L.A. put us on track.

Grace or "Grasya" (pronounced as GRAAS-YAA) with her spouse Marty, live in New York. She married well and has a gentleman in Marty as her life partner. She sounded happy, confident and full of life. I am happy for her!

Grace is vivacious and a livewire (people who meet her and who'd meet me later would say we are somehow alike in personality~ayayay~ but of course, we are cousins)! Anyhow, while on chat last night (just before I started making dinner) she shared photos of our relations that I have not seen in years so it was lovely to see them again, even just in 2-D! BTW, Grace's dad and my mom are first cousins.

Indeed, technology works for a lot of us in this globe as modern technology re-unites lost souls, kindred spirits and brings back the perk of an overcast day so to speak, as it was for moi here yesterday. Ciao.

To Marty and Grace, cheers!

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