Thursday, June 01, 2006

The ROSICRUCIAN ORDER- San Jose, California

AMORC (Ancient Mystical Order of Rosae Crucis)

The Rosicrucian Park And The Egyptian Museum

Agnes and I went to the Rosicrucian Center in Naglee Avenue yesterday. We were there at around 1 PM, after spending some time having lunch with her younger sister Baby, who gave us a treat at a Vietnamese Restaurant somewhere in downtown San Jose (thank you, Baby)! The lunch was good, by the way, and as soon as we were done, Baby dropped us off at the Rosicrucian Center. Our initial plan was just to take the public bus to go there but when Agnes’ sister said it wouldn’t be a great idea to do it (as the route could be complicated), she offered help and drove us there. Whew. What a sweetheart!

We arrived at the Rosicrucian Park and took photos of the landscape. It was bright and sunny and at once, we could feel the blaring sun penetrating our flesh! But still, the place was peaceful and lovely and had some awesome effect on both of us. Like the typical middle-aged travelers we are, we took photos of the place and of course, made sure we were there in each frame and exposure made on the photos! Too bad, I left the card of my digital camera so I was not able to take any photos. At this point in time, I am still waiting for Agnes to email me the bunch she has on her camera! It would be nice to have those files here in my laptop.

While there initially at the garden, I was delighted to see this place that I had always dreamed about of visiting someday...

When I was a college student (taking up music and piano as my major), I always wanted to study the teachings of this Rosicrucian Order (similar to New Age). Many years later, I didn’t even think until yesterday that I’d visit this esoteric place that I thought I always had affinity with. Well, sometimes there is always a bridge of the past to our future. Right?

After our series of pictorial, Agnes and I went to the Egyptian Museum and joined the guided tour at around 3 PM. I learned some new things during the short lecture inside the replica of a tomb in Egypt. Despite the fact that I lived in Egypt (in Alexandria, the place of Alexander the Great and Cleopatra) in 2000-2001 as an expatriate faculty for the American School of Alexandria, I still learned some new things from the lecture yesterday. It was refreshing and added a new flavor about my stack knowledge of ancient Egypt!

By the time we were ready to leave the museum, Joy, Agnes’s daughter called me on my cell phone and made arrangements to collect us from there, instead of her Aunt Baby driving us back to Joy's flat. So it was even better when Joy offered to collect us from the museum building.

We left the museum at around 4 PM and hopped into Joy’s car with lots of stories to share! Our museum time together enabled me and Agnes to re-connect whatever we had left off from our days at Beacon School 2 years ago. It was great!

From the museum, Joy drove us to Santana Row, her favorite hide-away where we had our “happy hour.” I enjoyed the short time we were there, looking at people. I ordered, “Blush” a concoction of martini and peach and some other tropical fruit. I liked it. Agnes had something else, looked like sangria-but boy hers had a kick! As soon as I tasted her martini, my tongue started to feel heavy like I was ready to stutter with my speech (*laughs*)! Joy ordered for us her favorite hors-d'oeuvre called “Chorizo.” It was great- like a Latino prep of pita bread with hummus but it had chorizo. Agnes was looking for one and was hoping to see a chunky chorizo in it, but poor gal, all was processed well for her to see even little bits of it!

As soon as I drank the last drop of my Blush, my phone rang and moi esposo was on the phone, asking about my whereabouts.

After about half an hour more at Santana Row, we left the place and drove back to Marriott Hotel in East Campbell and then we were there....(sigh).

Having seen mother and daughter team to be tired after a long day (Agnes was with me the whole time; Joy came from work),
I decided to cook the “Semolina Pasta” in the fridge and boil some pasta. I love this hotel as this has all the amenities of a condo unit- complete with kitchen and utensils- plate et al! So I served an impromptu dinner of pasta, hot brewed coffee, soda, onion crackers and fruit salad topped with walnut and homemade yogurt (I made it) to Agnes and Joy. Meanwhile, blue-eyed little boy was on a business call at the Business Center.

After dinner, Joy and Agnes finally left. It was a long day but surely a well-spent one! Ciao!

NOTE: The Egyptian Museum in the park possesses a large collection of Egyptian, Assyrian and Babylonian works of art, a reproduction of an Egyptian rock-tomb and French furniture. An adjoining building houses an art gallery and a planetarium which - like the exhibits - are owned by the Rosicrucians whereas the Rosicrucian Park is the headquarters of the Union of Rosicrucians of international freemasonry. The movement owes its origin to anonymous 17th century writings, based on the life of the knight Christianus Rosencreitz (14th century) and his brotherhood of men and which spread the concept of neoplatonic, alchemic and mystic thought.

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