Tuesday, September 02, 2008

"A Drive To San Francisco Via GO CAR"

Here we are!
Yesterday, September 1st- was Labor Day here in the USA. Since there was no work for husband, we planned the day before and reserved the GO CAR online. We made the drive in all parts of scenic San Francisco and rented the famous GO CAR. The cost was $165.00 plus tax (8.75%) and insurance. That's astronomical! Car rental for that amount is good enough for a week's use but the novelty is to drive around the city in this miniature car. It is actually operated by a motorcyle that is connected via the electric power in the main location of the company in Hyde Street, San Francisco.

GO CAR is a three-wheeler and you sit right on a seater that almost touches the ground! Your legs caress the inside of the wheel! It's so little, it could only accommodate a maximum weight of 500 lbs! But the good thing is- it has a talking GPS (global positioning system) and tracks you down on the right direction as you cruise along the city. You could also put on your backpack at the back compartment of this tiny thing!

During our drive, we saw many couples in GO CAR and like a fraternity, there was a strong connection among us. We met two sets of couples; had a nice chat with them while the others whom we saw on the street, gave us a wave or a honk on their horn! One runner even posed with our GO CAR! The rest, mostly onlookers took our photos, waved, smiled, and gave us that fun energy that said, "WOW- THAT'S AWESOME!"

One fellow gave us the dirty finger because we didn't drive that past in the most hilly part of San Francisco, OMG! This was revealed by the other couple who drove behind us from ALAMO PARK where the famous PAINTED LADY* is located.

(*It is a series of 6 Victorian Homes, depicted in postcards, placemats, posters in San Francisco).

Sutro Bath
For the most part of the drive, it was fun. However, on the comfort side, it was not that great. I had pain in my back and husband as well. While driving, we felt every bump on the road hitting through our spine because the shock absorber was not good. Each time we drive on a slightly rocky road or a road with just a minor crack, we just got shaken a lot by the impact of driving a tiny car!

Over all, it was a memorable 7-hour or so day drive. The aftermath is, I got a slight fever, cough, cold and tonsilitis due to too much sun exposure. Ayayay! I am still under the weather, mamamia!

Anyhow, enjoy the slide show and imagine you were driving on a GO CAR, too. Okay?


BTW, part of the drive we enjoyed was the visit to the famous SUTRO BATHS in San Francisco along Cliff House in Ocean Beach. This was a public bath built in the late 18th century and people enjoyed it up to the next next century. However, it burned down in the '60s and was never rebuilt. Cost of construction during the late 18th century was already a cool 1 million dollars!!!
"Painted Lady" Foreeground: Our rented GO CAR
The other highlight of our drive was our visit to ALAMO PARK where the famous six Victorian homes are located, known as "THE PAINTED LADY." I have no idea why they are called as such. I need to research some more!

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