Tuesday, January 08, 2008

When All Is Not Well On the Receiving End

Some nights ago, husband told me the Chinese owner of our building had requested his son, our landlord- to inform us that she does not like seeing my hanging plants in my veranda. In summary, she wanted me to get rid of them; accordingly, as they are hazardous to people passing by (as they might fall down). Yuck! Of course, I tied them off tightly so the SFO winds won’t blow them away! But what can we do except to give in to her likes since we are just tenants here in the city. Therefore, we are the recipient of this Chinese matriarch's rules and whims she instituted when she built this three-level complex, right after converting her fortune cookie factory into an upright living quarters it is today . But mind you, we are also landlords in the suburbs but we are nothing like this chinky eyed migrant from the People’s Republic of China. Other than this am complaining about, ours is actually a nice little castle we have in North Beach~ quiet, peaceful and cozy. So, okay, okay. I took off the plants last night!


As I write this blog, husband is enjoying the cool aroma of wines and grapes in NAPA VALLEY. He had been there since last night and so I am in solitude here in the city which is good and bad. Good in a way, I have my space; bad in the sense, I cannot sleep tight when he is away (sigh). Call it the symbiotic syndrome of our growing relationship, we are so accustomed to being together all the time since mostly, he works from the home office. And also because he only reports to his office once monthly and twice each month, he goes on a business trip elsewhere. Otherwise, we are the twins of each that other married couples never had! Tonight, I know he is enjoying the perks of accommodation he has at MARIOTT HOTEL and SPA at NAPA VALLEY. But he said it’s not as warm as when I am around. See? He just misses me as much I miss him!


Tonight, I prepped the CIABATTA sponge for tomorrow evening’s bread. I always make it a point to bake a bread or pastry, cake or pie whenever LITTLE BOY BLUE is gone so on his home coming night, he has something to look forward to like the scent of a bread baking in the oven.

Well, I bake regularly even when he is around. But you know it is a different feeling when you have been away for a while. You just want to be back in your own bed, eat your kind of food, take a hot bath, get dressed ino your comfortable clothes then jump into your old familiar bed where soft pillows and hand-made quilt, await your embrace for the night! In this time when cold winter air seats right into our home, there is nothing more enduring like being home again and free; safe and sound, and in the arms of the one you love. Good night for now. Ciao!

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