Monday, July 09, 2007

Back To The Bat Cave in SFO


I was away from June 23 to July 7; my trip was cut short due to my missing my flight date last June 17th but all went well despite the short time I spent overseas. I met with my friends who are posted in Thailand. We had fun times together. Back in MNL, we had parties and re-bonding as family which was awesome. I met with my cousins, siblings, nieces, nephews and just a friend from my old neighborhood in Cavite. It was an exclusive visit meant for my family only because of the limitation of time and space I had. I connected with my chums via email, made calls and short messages sent through cellphone. At least the techno world has done its magic once more to connect us all in different hemispheres of the world!


I was alone in this trip minus the Little Boy Blue (LBB). I missed the LBB immensely and vice versa while I was abroad. He called every day when I was in MNL. But not in BKK because he couldn't get connected there for some reasons. We deviced our connection via email which was bearable, nonetheless, but tough, on certain times.


I arrived here in North Beach in the arms of LBB last Saturday, annointed by the thought that I am back in my little palace where peace painted every nook of my breathing space I share with him.

Truly, I missed the cool SFO weather while abroad but I savoured the rainy days, too-the lightning and thunder- the works that made me recall my childhood~ listening to the pattering sound in the roof while I laid down in my antique bed trying to fall asleep when I was young. What a thought. Right?

Though muggy and humid, I couldn't complain really, much less say I dislike the heat because at heart, I am a tropical lady, who loves the sun. I only despised the fact that I developed baby rash in my tush due to the humid environment I was in for two weeks. Otherwise, I was jumping in joy to be in a familiar milieu where the voice of the past cajoles me with fondness and memories of my childhood.


When I arrived here in SFO last Saturday evening (July 7), it felt like winter is back yet it's summertime. Yeah, Mark Twain was right- the summer he spent here was the coldest winter he ever had!

Having been away for a short while made me observed how my plants have grown bigger (hola) and taller (wowie). Our domicile was sparkling clean and shining bright. Thanks to moi esposo who did a great job welcoming me with his own way of kindness, thoughtfulness, passion and warm embraces!

I was home, at last, and that what mattered most. Right?

Some photos and video files here for you my dear family and friends alike. Cheers!

BANGKOK- June 25 to 29, 2007

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